
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Will Faith Continue

“I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

There are children in our church who have much faith. This faith goes beyond Sunday School class, they are being taught at home.

William Brinnum
Aimee McPherson

Why is God not moving the way He did in the past?

Knowlege of God is not movement of God.

Can people see Jesus inside of you, and your church?

Faith must be lived out in the lives of people

Only God can measure faith.

(When God dips his pen of love in my heart )

Looking the part does not ensure your heart

People are not led by faith anymore. In this age, we are driven about by lust.
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna

Matthew 17:4

Bring him to me

We need to be able to bring people into the presence of God

Smith Wigglesworth was promised an entire train.

God, use us to bring souls to you!

Matthew 17:19
The disciples asked, why could we not do that?

"Because of your unbelief"

Your faith is alive. You are never alone.

Discipline yourself in prayer, fasting, ect

Everybody doesn't have faith. The Bible is full of people with no faith.

Faith comes from hearing

You must act upon what God puts in your heart. Allow Holy Spirit to deal with your heart.

The cross must be heart knowlege, not just head knowlege.

Faith is like a small baby. You must tend to it. It's fragile.

Be careful how you treat your faith

Romans 12:1

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