
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Divine Direction

The scripture says "in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths". But most of the time, we don't. We wait until after we have made the decision to decide to pray for guidance. We try to "talk God into things". God has a purpose for each of our lives. He knows where we need to end up, but instead of asking Him the way, we try to get there on our own. He knows the way, but we won't stop for directions. Why? Pride. We try to remain humble, and seek him, but pride is the oldest sin alive. Why was Satan thrown from heaven, and fired from his job? Pride. He couldn't stand the fact that there is a higher power. The Bible is here for us to read and learn from others mistakes, and there accomplishments. So why can't we learn a little something from ol' slewfoot! Let's acknowledge God before we make decisions. Ask God where we should work BEFORE we fill out the application. God will always come through for you. I know from experience. And it thrills Him to know we desire His guidance. He would not with-hold his good judgment from us no matter what! He wants to give us fresh bread, but we act like He is throwing us a stone. We ALL need to wise up! Let God direct your paths, and just see how much better things go for you!
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