Our Father – This shows that God is the Creator of us all. He is our Heavenly Father, our Parent, our Guardian. The One who watches over us, protects us, guides us, and loves us!
Which art in heaven – This signifies God’s majesty, He is everywhere, knows all things, and is all powerful.
Hallowed be thy Name – God’s Names is pronounced, or declared, HOLY! His Name is to be celebrated, honored, and respected.
Thy kingdom come – This is a desire, a prayer, that God’s will be obeyed everywhere. A true child of God will cry out for Him to reign everywhere
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven – God’s will is that people everywhere would obey, and be holy. The word “will” means “what is acceptable in His sight. It is God’s desire that people would hunger to know His will, and long to please Him. In heaven, His will is obeyed perfectly. We should pray that would be the case on Earth as well.
Give us this day our daily bread – Bread represents everything necessary for life. He is our provider!
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors – Our sins put us in debt to God. We are guilty of breaking His law, and are condemned to death. But He chose to forgive us through the complete work of the blood of Jesus Christ. We are forever in His debt. What does He ask in return? Forgive others. Love others. Treat others with the kindness we would show Him.
And lead us not into temptation - Whenever we are tempted, O thou that helpest our infirmities, suffer us not to enter into temptation; to be overcome or suffer loss thereby; but make a way for us to escape, so that we may be more than conquerors, through thy love, over sin and all the consequences of it. (Wesley)
But deliver us from evil – Satan is the evil one, the parent of all evil. Here we are taught to pray, “deliver us from his power, his snares, his arts, his temptations.”
For thine is the kingdom – Everything belongs to God, the Creator of the Universe. He reigns over it all, and therefore has control over it.
and the power – All power belongs to God. We are weak, He is strong, and has the power to accomplish all we ask.
and the glory forever – Nothing is done for us, but all things should be to the praise of Him! All glory, honor, and praise. Everything we do should always point to Him!
Amen - This is a word of Hebrew origin, from a verb signifying “to be firm, secure, to be true and faithful.”
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