
Monday, November 14, 2011

A New Name

Gal 6:2  Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

We are all brothers and sisters in the family of God. I remember when I got saved, born again, prayed through, a dear sister was at the alter with me. When I opened up my eyes, she was smiling ear to ear. She said, you have a new name now. You are no longer Jody, but SISTER Jody! I was so overwhelmed! I understood so little about it all, but I remember feeling that I had been born into a family.  Never more was I alone in things, I would always have someone to confide in, talk to, laugh with, and cry with. I had a new family.

And here Paul admonishes us to be sure to be there for one another. Just like a Mom or Dad doesn’t like to see brothers and sisters duking it out, arguing, and hating one another, neither does our Heavenly Father! Be there for your brothers and sisters. Pray for them. Laugh with them. Check on them when you don’t hear for them. Cry with them in hard times. And praise God with them when the answer comes! Be a part of this new family you have become a part of.

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