
Monday, October 10, 2011

A God Who Speaks by Rita LaRue

Jeremiah 38:20
But Jeremiah said, “They shall not deliver thee. Obey the voice of the Lord which I speak unto thee; so it shall be well unto thee and thy soul shall live.

God audibly spoke to Adam and Eve in the garden concerning their disobedience and also spoke to Cain concerning his brother’s whereabouts. Let’s not forget he must have talked with Enoch and walked him right out of this life. When the world had grown so wicked he had a talk with Noah, and planned a way to save all the animals, fish, birds, ect. along with those who entered the ark.

As we move thru time God talked with Abram in Genesis 12:1 and stated “I will make you a great nation.  Abram believed, obeyed, left his Father’s house and went to another country. In Genesis 15 God spoke one more time and reassured Abram, “I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward.” At the age of 99 Abram’s name was changed to Abraham and one more time blessed of God.  Genesis 24:1 tells us Abraham was blessed in all things.  The story doesn’t end there. In Genesis 25 verse 8 Abraham died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years, as a matter of fact he was 175 years old.

Now you may say God has never spoken to me.  Well, have you read the word? Just try it, and it will speak to you.  The psalmist said, “It will be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  It will teach you, convict you, and guide you through life.

Proverbs 30:5 tells us every word of God is pure.

While Colossians 3 reminds us to let the Word of God dwell richly (or abundantly) in all wisdom in us.

Obey the voice of God and it shall be well with thee and thy soul shall live (The Holy Word)

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